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Lawful evidence collecting and continuity platform development

Digital evidence is currently an integral part of criminal investigations, and not confined to pure cybercrime cases. Criminal behaviours like financial frauds, intellectual property theft, industrial espionage, and terrorist networks leverage the Interneand cyberspace. The very ubiquity of digital devices, e.g. smartphones, in modern society makes digital evidence extremely relevant for investigations about all kinds of criminal behaviour like murder, contraband activities, and people smuggling, to name a few.

Due to its nature, the use of digital evidence in a court of law has always been challenging. It is critical that it should be accompanied by a proper chain of custody, guaranteeing its source and integrity.

LOCARD aims to provide a holistic platform for chain of custody assurance along the forensic workflow, a trusted distributed platform allowing the storage of digital evidence metadata in a blockchain. Each node of LOCARD will be able to independently set its own permission policies and to selectively share access to digital evidence with other nodes when deemed necessary and upon proper authorization through fine-grained policies. LOCARD's modularity will also allow diverse actors to tailor the platform to their specific needs and role in the digital forensic workflow, from preparation and readiness, to collection, to analysis and reporting.

LOCARD will have a crowdsource module to collect citizen reports of selected violations, a crawler to detect and correlate online deviant behaviour, and a toolkit for investigators that will assist them in collecting online and offline evidence. This will be powered by an immutable storage and an identity management system that will protect privacy and handle access to evidence data using a Trusted Execution Environment. Blockchain technology will not only guarantee that information about the evidence cannot be tampered with, but allow interoperability without the need for a trusted third party.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Framework Programme.


Innovation Cluster for Automation of Cooperation Procedures between SMEs & Citizens using Blockchain Technology

This project aims at developing a structured and productively oriented cluster that will combine the research and integration of new technologies into three sectoral areas (health, finance, transport logistics), with the ultimate objective of enhancing the competitiveness of entrepreneurship. The horizontal cooperation of companies in the stated 3 vertical sectors with academic and research institutions, such as the research institute ATHINA, are expected to provide particular features of the proposed business network, as well as providing an example of entrepreneurship based on innovation and cooperation. The experience of the involved parties in delivering key turn software solutions is a unique element and the base towards the successful implementation of the qualitative and quantitative objectives that have been set.

Co-financed by Greece and the European Union.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Framework Programme.


An augmented intelligence-enabled stimulating framework for deep energy renovation delivering occupant-centered innovations

Europe’s building stock, which includes both residential and commercial buildings, is responsible for nearly half of the EU's primary energy consumption and more than a third of its CO2 emissions. The EU-funded RINNO project aims to facilitate deep renovation of the building stock by addressing major technical and socio-economic barriers. It offers a portfolio of innovative technologies, improved processes supported by an on-line platform and software tools, as well as new business models. RINNO is expected to improve the EU’s inefficient building stock by capturing 0.2 % of the renovation market and deliver primary energy savings of 165 GWh/year; total cost reductions of 30 %, a time reduction of 20 % and carbon savings of 40 400 tons CO2-eq/year. RINNO’s renovation roadmap is demonstrated at four large-scale (3 386m2) pilots.
RINNO envisions delivering a framework solution that will help dramatically accelerate the rate of deep renovation in EU building stock reaching an ambitious annual renovation rate of 3.5%. Its ultimate goal is to develop, validate and demonstrate an operational interface with augmented intelligence and an occupant-centered approach that will streamline and facilitate the whole lifecycle of building renovation (planning-design, retrofitting, monitoring). This concept has at its foundation, a set of cost-attractive, environmentally friendly, multi-functional and easily applicable building-related innovations, grouped into:

    ▪ Plug-n-play, modular building envelope solutions.
    ▪ RES, hybrid and storage solutions.

RINNO couples the above with innovative retrofitting processes, methods and tools, characterized by low tenants’ disruption. These comprise efficient (off/on-site) construction strategies, on-the-job AR facilitating environment and multi-stakeholder collaboration, which are expected to shrink the time and cost required for deep renovation, while improving buildings’ performance; all with a short payback period of 4 years on average. The above are supported businesswise with novel business models aligned with the circular economy principles, enriched with investment de-risking tools and advanced crowd-equity/crowd-lending schemes. RINNO is expected to impact the EU inefficient building stock by:

   ▪ Reaching an ambitious annual renovation rate of 3.5%.
   ▪ Primary energy savings of 165 GWh/year.
   ▪ A reduction of electricity cost by at least 30%.
   ▪ A total cost / time reduction in comparison with typical renovation by more than 30% and 40% respectively.
   ▪ An estimated reduction of 40,400 tons CO2-eq/year.

RINNO optimized renovation roadmap is demonstrated at 4 large scale (3,386m2) pilot use cases after being pre-piloted, covering different EU climatic zones and markets of diverse maturity in the renovation sector.



Digital Enterprise Innovations for Bioimaging, Biosensing and Biobanking Industries

The future of medicine is digital. Called Health Economy 4.0 the Big Data revolution, that is currently underway, will forever change how healthcare is delivered. This drives personalized medicine and reconfigures the medical diagnostics value chain. According to the EU-funded DIGI-B-CUBE project, a special focus is on the biobanking, bioimaging and biosensing industries. The project identifies the cross-sectoral collaborative potential of small and medium-sized enterprises by combining artificial intelligence and cognitive computing digital technologies with the bioimaging-biosensing-biobanking industries. By accelerating personalized medicine, patients benefit from fast and efficient healthcare systems.

DIGI-B-CUBE project aims to unlock the cross-sectoral collaborative potential of SMEs, by combining Artificial Intelligence (AI), Cognitive Computing Digital Technologies (CCDT) with the Bioimaging-Biosensing-Biobanking (B-CUBE) and related industries to deliver market sensitive disruptive technologies and generating innovative solutions that enhance patient-centered diagnostic workflows, delivered through the improved algorithms for Medical Diagnostics’ efficiency and accuracy. DIGI-B-CUBE studies the characteristics in market dynamics & specificities, for innovations created by merging AI, CCDT & B-CUBE and related industries. By providing a framework for a more structured cross-sectoral and cross-border collaboration, that manages all the complex workflows within the process, DIGI-B-CUBE instantiates the mechanisms to ensure the long-term sustainability of the action, through collaborations of the participating clusters with hospitals, academia, industry, investors, business angels, managing authorities of the national innovation agencies and the European Commission support measures (such as EIT, ESIF).

The main objective of this project is to provide key digital solutions for the reconfiguration of the Medical Diagnostics and related value chains towards a Health Economy 4.0 with a special focus on Biobanking, Bioimaging and Biosensing and related industries. Activities financed by the ESIF in the participating regions, as part of the Smart Specialization Strategies, are bundled in cooperation with the responsible managing authorities in addition to the innovation voucher scheme for SMEs. By integrating innovations in IT into Bioimaging, Biosensing and Biobanking and related industries, this project accelerates the goal of personalized medicine that can eventually offer patients with a fast and efficient diagnosis-treatment-healthcare system.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Framework Programme.


Development of an Innovative Tracking System for Monitoring Plastic Packaging Waste to Mitigate Marine Littering

Marine littering is undoubtedly a global problem, which becomes even more severe every day, as millions of tons of waste end up in the oceans creating a series of environmental, economic, health and also, aesthetic problems, with the last ones being severely damaging for the tourism industry, which is one of the most important industries for the Greek economy. This project sets its efforts in the determination of streams of plastic waste from land sources, until they reach the shore and before entering the sea. Its ultimate objective is to propose solutions and a roadmap including preventive measures for avoiding or diverging plastic waste from the sea, thus reducing marine littering. For this reason, the scientific project will design and develop an integrated methodology of plastic marine littering management through the use of a customized object identification, tracking and data capturing technology. The developed plastic waste tracking system will be supported by an advanced web platform, which will be responsible for data collection, processing, visualization and reporting to the project’s stakeholders.

Co-financed by Greece and the European Union.



Cyber Security Accelerator for trusted SMEs IT Ecosystems

FORTIKA is an EU funded project under Horizon 2020 (grant agreement No. 740690). The project started on the 1st of June 2017 and will last 3 years.

FORTIKA aims to (1) minimise the exposure of small and medium sized businesses to cyber security risks and threats, and (2) help them successfully respond to cyber security incidents, while relieving them from all unnecessary and costly efforts of identifying, acquiring and using the appropriate cyber security solutions.

To fulfil its vision the project adopts a security by design hybrid approach that adequately integrates hardware and software with business needs and behavioral patterns at individual and organisational level to: introduce a hardware-enabled middleware security layer as add-on to existing network gateways; orientate small business users to trusted cyber security services (through FORTIKA’s marketplace) packaged to tailored solutions for each enterprise and further extend to accommodate security intelligence and to encourage security-friendly behavioral and organisational changes. Ultimately, FORTIKA proposes a resilient overall cyber security solution that can be easily tailored and adjusted to the versatile and dynamically changing needs of small businesses. To this end, the project ambitiously aims to make systematic and extensive use of the existing service and product portfolio of security solution providers across Europe.

Finally, the introduction of a software-defined smart ecosystem in “FORTIKA Marketplace”, will provide the feature of a light mode solution, which will offer virtualized security services (with minimum downloading requirements). From their perspective, users (i.e. SMEs) may utilize a variety of services and share profiling information with the service providers in return for tailored security services aligned with their actual needs. The FORTIKA marketplace will also function as a single point of access for the profiling information for each SME. FORTIKA Cyber-security framework will be evaluated through five major types of SMEs and will be supported from 2 local SME/ICT clusters and 1 EU alliance.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Framework Programme.


Digital Interactive Graffiti

Can you imagine that everyone (including every business) could write on the walls of a street? That is what DIGITAL GRAFFITI is a proxy for. It enables content originators to write on the walls and leave messages for others. Many will be able to write on the same walls. Users that want to read messages will do so with a filter so that only the “GRAFFITI” they are interested in are shown to them. To write and read a smart phone with simple location tags of different sorts are used (QR codes or GPS markers). The idea is simple but the changes it enables profound – very much like SMSs, email or even Facebook were simple ideas that had strong lasting impacts.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Framework Programme.


Exposing the Features in IP version Six protocols that can be exploited/extended for the purposes of designing/building Autonomic Networks and Services

The EFIPSANS project aims at exposing the features in IP version six protocols, that can be exploited or extended for the purposes of designing or building autonomic networks and services. What this means is a study of the emerging research areas that target desirable user behaviours, terminal behaviours, service mobility, e-mobility, context-aware communications and self-ware. Autonomic communication/computing/networking are carried out and out of these areas desirable autonomic(self-*) behaviours in diverse environments e.g. end systems, access networks, wireless versus fixed network environments are captured and specified.

Appropriate IPv6 protocol or architectural extensions, that enable the implementation of the captured desirable autonomic behaviours, are being sought and specified. A selected set of the specified autonomic behaviours are implemented and demonstrated. Also, technical reports on the concrete IPv6 feature combination scenarios, including any new extensions used to implement the selected set of autonomic behaviours, are presented. The vision is that, the specified autonomic behaviour specifications, the identified exploitable IPv6 features and new protocol and architectural extensions will one day be standardized in the long run (after the first 3 years of EFIPSANS).

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Framework Programme.


Multimedia Content Annotations for Rapid Exploitation in Multi-Screen Environments

The objective of MECANEX project is to devise innovative tools for automatic annotation and editorial support of multimedia content, extraction of personalized information and adaption of enriched multimedia content in multi-screen environments. As the prerequisites of production houses, broadcasters, advertising agencies and online publishing companies for enriched multimedia content increase rapidly, the need of such innovative tools is undeniable. Furthermore, the adaption of enriched multimedia content to multi-screen environments, which enable the automatic porting to different target platforms, such as regular web pages, mobile pages and mobile apps, as well as TV applications, is a significant asset for the global market of enriched multimedia content. The major novelty of MECANEX is the creation of SaaS (REST based) toolkit that provides the aforementioned functionalities, by bringing together complementary expertise and technology of different European companies and research institutes, in order to provide a cost effective multi-screen video metadata enrichment solution for SMEs.

Such tools are adopted by production and post-production companies, as well as by content providers or relevant service oriented companies and are adapted into the creation process. MECANEX offers SMEs to semi automatically enrich video collections for multi-screen application, as well as rapid prototype multi-screen concepts and test related interaction models that eventually improve the chance for SMEs to develop more solid business models, marketing and advertising campaigns. Furthermore, a social and personalization tool is envisioned, which will collect consumers’ preferences and will provide feedback to the aforementioned tools. In a nutshell, automatic annotation, editorial, multi-screen and social and personalization tools will be integrated into a working MECANEX toolkit ready for the production of multimedia content, as well as the advertising agencies.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Framework Programme.


Open-Source, Web-Based, Framework for Integrating Applications with Cloud-based Services and Personal Cloudlets

OPENi defines and delivers an open-source web platform that enables applications to access and use a broad spectrum of existing cloud-based functionality and content, consistently across different devices and platforms, in a way that enables a user-centric application experience. Targeting the needs of both application Developers and Users, OPENi realizes its vision for user-centric, cloud-connected, applications by providing:

    ▪ To Developers, a platform-independent technology framework to build applications, that can seamlessly integrate

       publicly available cloud-based functionality and content.
    ▪ To Users, the necessary cloud solutions to realize a novel application experience, by being able to keep their user   

      generated content and data in the cloud and further make itavailable across different applications on different devices.

To enable this, OPENi will realize a series of innovations in accessing and using cloud-based functionality, binding dynamically to publicly available cloud-based APIs, sourcing and rendering cloud-based content across different device types, underlying operating systems and establishing a framework for web security and authorization in accessing cloud-based resources.

OPENi is a significant catalyzing factor, boosting the EU software industry – which already counts a considerable number of highly skilled SME software firms – to take further advantage of the thriving market of mobile applications, through a framework of open technologies that will be readily available and require almost no additional skill to take up.

The timing for such an effort is crucial. Platforms such as iOS and Android are establishing their dominant position in the applications market. At the same time, web and cloud technologies are ever more maturing and gaining acceptance in application development. OPENi harnesses this technological power and constitutes an EU effort that equally benefits Developers and Users in this thriving ecosystem.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Framework Programme.


Students Visions on the Future of Space Exploration

Stories of Tomorrow (STORIES) is a research and development project, funded by the European Commission, involving 15 project partners from 10 countries. The duration of the project was 30 months, starting in January 2017.

The project uses the concept of storytelling as a catalyst for the effective interaction between art and STEM disciplines, which shares in many ways similar values, themes and characteristics. The STORIES project proposes to introduce creative approaches in STEM education to generate alternative ideas and strategies within scientific inquiry as an individual or group and reasoning critically between these.

The project designs and tests a new vision for teaching and also helps develop strategies for how teachers’ roles and conditions can support and enable deeper learning for students. To do that, the project includes and uses innovative and meaningful digital technologies, such as advanced interfaces, learning analytics, visualization dashboards and Augmented/Virtual reality applications and builds a storytelling platform where students develop and publish stories about a Mars Mission.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Framework Programme.


VPH based predictive model for oral cancer reoccurrence in the clinical practice

Clinical oncology is undergoing a profound transformation, driven by the availability of new diagnostic technologies, novel techniques for bio-molecular and genomic tests, aimed at predictive markers discovery, smart mathematical and statistical algorithms for disease modelling and prediction simulation, powerful computing for data mining and data analysis on large datasets of heterogeneous data. The approach to care delivery is also shifting from treatment administration to treatment planning, supported by predictive modelling.

OraMod perfectly fits in this scenario: the project converges the technology and scientific breakthrough from research into clinical practice by developing a novel, modular and integrated ICT environment aimed at supporting key aspects of the clinical management of oral cavity cancer patients.

OraMod focuses on the integration of data, medical knowledge, multi-disciplinary collaborative best clinical practices and cutting-edge technologies, including modelling, in-silico simulation, and decision support aimed at early and precisely predict oral cancer reoccurrence. In so doing the project addresses urgent clinical and societal needs: better clinical decisions regarding treatment and follow-up, reduced costs, and benefits for patients from reduced post-treatment morbidity.

Building from previous ICT-224483 NeoMark, OraMod will combine a predictive model relying on a variety of data collected and managed in the system repository, with decision support and in-silico simulation tools, an interactive Knowledge Assisted Visualization in line with the "Digital Patient" paradigm, a collaborative working space to support multi-disciplinary decision-making, a sophisticated suite for diagnostic image analysis and features extraction, a qRT-PCR device and lab-on-chip for fast, precise, quantitative detection of the genomic markers included in the model. A clinical trial in four European pilot hospitals demonstrates tangible clinical benefits.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Framework Programme.


CyberSecurity Awareness and Knowledge Systemic High-level Application

The project «YAKSHA – Cybersecurity Awareness and Knowledge Systemic High-level Application», funded under the European Union´s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme, will reinforce European Union (EU) and Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) cooperation and build partnerships in the Cybersecurity domain by developing a solution tailored to specific users and national needs, leveraging EU Know-How and expertise.

YAKSHA aims at reinforcing cooperation and building partnerships by developing a cybersecurity solution tailored to specific national needs leveraging EU Know-How and local knowledge. The project will enhance cybersecurity readiness levels for its end users, help better prevent cyber-attacks, reduce cyber risks and better govern the whole cybersecurity process. YAKSHA is ideally positioned to help secure the global manufacturing supply chains, given its focus on IoT Security.

The EU-ASEAN cooperation during and after the YAKSHA project will also help mitigate some of the weaknesses identified in the cybersecurity ecosystem by, for instance, the CONNECT2SEA EU project (ended in 2016). It will build a network of partners ASEAN-wide helping the lack of networking activities and regional cohesiveness; the certification scheme that will be developed by YAKSHA will help relieve the skill gap and the lack of cybersecurity experts and innovators; its common architecture will address the lack of a common approach to cyber threats.

A sustainable business model developed during the project will allow partners and other interested actors to adopt the technology, generate value, and foster cooperation even beyond the duration of the project.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Framework Programme.


Emerging industries as key enablers for the adoption of advanced technologies in the agri-food sector

KATANA supports European SMEs in the agri-food value chain to simultaneously access knowledge, technology, capital and markets, in order to respond to the global competitive environment. KATANA aims to provide this access to companies by leveraging upon the multiplier potential of cross-border/cross-sectoral collaboration and the systemic approach, which homogenizes services towards the overall aim to place new products/ services in the market.

KATANA proposes a systemic approach by combining:

   ▪ An innovative selection and funding scheme based on peer-to-peer evaluation and crowdfunding.
   ▪ A holistic portfolio of support services covering the entire KATANA lifecycle.

   ▪ Three large scale demonstrators capitalizing upon emerging industries (eco-industries, mobile services and           

     personalized health).

KATANA is a cluster-driven project, bringing together 7 active clusters of SMEs from all over Europe (from Scandinavia to Mediterranean and Balkans) covering the entire ecosystem, namely agriculture, food production and ICT/ emerging industries. At the same time a diverse and strong presence of five SMEs – technology providers within the consortium guarantees that the technological infrastructure for the large-scale demonstrators is delivered by actors who understand the needs of the community. The innovative selection method and the corresponding algorithms are provided by an RTD organization with long experience in organizing and running Open Calls and competitions for SMEs.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Framework Programme.


Digital platform for the development of educational applications focused on cultural heritage tourism with the use of augmented reality, mixed reality and gamification

The main objective of the platform is the development of an innovative digital platform for the development of educational applications, focused on cultural heritage tourism with the use of augmented reality, mixed reality and gamification, applied to the excavation of an archaeological site with the main goal of transferring the experiential learning experience through focused educational methodology of the excavation of an archaeological site to students and "cultural" tourists.

The applications are dynamic and are created and managed by a central documentation platform in a three-dimensional environment, that has the following two subsystems:

   ▪    A mixed reality training modules development subsystem.

   ▪    An educational narrative subsystem, utilizing augmented reality and gamification.

The platform offers an API for the development of educational applications, focused in cultural heritage tourism with the use of augmented reality, mixed reality and gamification.

Co-financed by Greece and the European Union.



Specialized Digital Game on the Classic Marathon of Athens

The aim of the proposed project is to develop a specialized Digital Game on the Classic Marathon of Athens. The Game, which is designed to operate by a specially- application platform of multi-dimensional computing graphics and synergies, through the Internet and smart mobile devices, sets out to:

In particular, each Game Player is entitled to register for a free “Marathon Trophy” account. The Game poses a series of challenges of a virtual environment to the Player, all related to the Marathon, ancient and modern Athens. The Player, faced successively with different situations, is called to resolve dilemmas, find out things and make accomplishments. In order to become more effective, it is allowed to invite assistants as “followers”, by forming a distinct group. The more the Game scales up to higher levels of difficulty, the more it earns and piles up “rewards points” (“branches of wild olive tree”). It can exchange these points for “coupons” that it may redeem for a variety of products and services for itself or a person of its choice (i.e. a participant, a town visitor) while staying in Athens, before, during or after the Marathon. This way, the rewards relate recipients to activities, products and services included in the Marathon Trophy Promotion Program.

   ▪  Motivate athletes and support them to run the Athens Marathon.

   ▪  Improve athletes’ knowledge about the history of the Athens Marathon, from ancient times up to date.

   ▪  Contribute to communicating and socializing athletes’ experiences with their relatives and friends.

   ▪  Develop synergies with agencies or institutions, associated with the Athens Marathon, with a view to enhancing the

      growth and development impact of the Marathon on such related sector as athletics, culture, tourism, economics and 

      the social.

   ▪  Showcase participation and engagement of all sorts in the Athens Marathon as a unique and constructive experience 

      of life.

In particular, each Game Player is entitled to register for a free “Marathon Trophy” account. The Game poses a series of challenges of a virtual environment to the Player, all related to the Marathon, ancient and modern Athens. The Player, faced successively with different situations, is called to resolve dilemmas, find out things and make accomplishments. In order to become more effective, it is allowed to invite assistants as “followers”, by forming a distinct group. The more the Game scales up to higher levels of difficulty, the more it earns and piles up “rewards points” (“branches of wild olive tree”). It can exchange these points for “coupons” that it may redeem for a variety of products and services for itself or a person of its choice (i.e. a participant, a town visitor) while staying in Athens, before, during or after the Marathon. This way, the rewards relate recipients to activities, products and services included in the Marathon Trophy Promotion Program.

Co-financed by Greece and the European Union.

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